KR-CON Mobile

by KR



- KR-CON, developed by Korean Register, is a comprehensiveIMO Convention Database containing IMO Conventions, Codes,Resolutions and Circulars in English, Korean and Chinese.- KR-CON is a portable electronic database containing a vast array of IMO instruments. It enables users to navigate the maze ofIMO instruments swiftly and accurately through a variety of user-friendly functions.Users can browse the contents with the touch of a screen, and identify the regulations applicable to an individual ship simplyby inputting its details. An intelligent search function allows specific contents to be found easily and quickly.- Who benefits from KR-CON?Maritime Administrations(PSCO)Shipping Companies and SeafarersClassification SocietiesShip-buildersService SuppliersTraining InstitutesAcademic Institutions- IMO approval of the carriage of publications in electronic formThe Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) have approved MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2 which allows vessels to carry electronic media onboard instead of hard copy documents. This means that KR-CON cannow be used onboard ship.KR-CON has also been recognized as an electronic version of IMO instruments by the 29 maritime administrations includingRepublic of Korea, Panama, Marshall Islands, Cyprus, Australia, Liberia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Isle of Man, and others.